tiller extension

There are a variety of choices in Optimist Tiller Extensions. Which Optimist tiller extension is the best for you? It depends partly on your sailing style, but some features certainly make a significant difference in ease of use.

The intent of a tiller extension is to make it easy for you to steer while sitting in the correct position in your boat, therefore a good tiller extension has a good grip and is easy to handle. For Optimist sailors the ideal position is forward as close to the midship frame as possible upwind, and further back on the rail for downwind.

For many years, an Optimist tiller extension was as simple as possible: A long length of metal or wood with a bolt through the rudder, and maybe a golf grip on the end.

Since those halcyon days of sailing technology, there have been a few improvements. The most important change is the use of a rubber “universal” to attach the tiller to the extension.

It allows free movement of the tiller in a 360 degree arc. There are many versions of “universals” on the market, and all work similarly.

Ex. 1

When it comes to the extension itself, we still have a very basic version available today.

The Optiparts EX1142 extension is a 16mm wide 60cm long tube with a golf grip glued on the end. It is a solid performer, and is the most common extension for clubs and programs worldwide.

Then next step up is the EX1140, which comes with a releasable universal and either a black or “Rasta” grip. The black anodized aluminum resists corrosion even better than bare aluminum, and is stylish as well.

However, the transition from the aluminum to the larger foam grip is sometimes tricky and slow maneuver for sailors in the midst of a tack.

Enter the latest and greatest edition of the Optimist tiller extension, the EX1145 X-grip.

Redesigned with a 20mm wide black anodized tube, it has a consistent width from the universal to the end of the extension, making transitions easier.

It features an X-grip shrink wrap, giving sailors grip whether sailing in gloves or bare-handed.

A small knob at the end keeps your hand from sliding off.

For those who like to spice things up, the EX1145 is available in multiple colors. Yellow, Green, Blue, Red, Black, and “Doppio”.

The Doppio grip is interesting in that it reverses the grip pattern, and raises the “X” pattern instead of indenting it, essentially doubling the grip!

Most importantly, the EX1145 weighs only 6 ounces.

No matter your sailing style or preference, there is a tiller extension that is right for you. If you would like to view your options, you can see them here: https://optistuff.com/product-category/tillers-extensions-blades-blade-equipment-optimist-gear

For more info on the Optiparts product line of tiller extensions, please visit their website at https://www.optiparts.com/optiparts-tillers-and-extensions


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